Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fabian Alomar: Z Ad

Fabian Alomar. Now what's this? New video "Scraps"? Interesting. I'm curious if it ever came out or it ended up suffering the same fate as the "Andtasia" video in 1993.

Max Schaaf & Ed DeVera: Real Skateboards

Another truly great ad. Real truly is a great company.

William Hightower: Vision Skateboards

William Hightower. Whatever happened to this guy? I know he had some footage in the video "Turn The Other Cheek" by Dave Schlossbach and this ad. That's it. Looks like he made decision to ride for Vision not too long before they went under. Poor dude.

Scott Johnston: Frontside Noseslide Hubba Hideout

Fucking everything about this one. That's all I gonna say.

Jose Cerda: Handrail Lipside

Jose Cerda. Handrail lipside when he rode for Milk Skateboards. Christian Hosoi's company. Nice style on that one, Jose.

Kyong Kim: Toxic Skateboards

I actually have this guys pro model. Funny graphic but it's nice as well. Kyong is nice and really chill.

Jay Crow: Toxic Skateboards

Super nice small and simple ad from Toxic Skateboards. The skater's name is Jay Crow. Thank you Kyong Kim for clearing that up.

Eric Conner: Toxic Skateboards

Here's another Eric Conner ad for when he was pro for Toxic. That style though...its great. Believe it or not but it actually does say his name in very small text, took me a while to find it.

Salman Agah: Nasal Passage

Rad to see Salman Agah could do nollie flips in 1991. I always thought the only people who could nollie flips in 1991 were:

Ali Mills
Dan Gallagher
Jeremiah Stansbury
Otis Christian

Ben Chibber: Vision Skateboards

Always really liked this dude's part in "Alphabet Soup" by Vision Skateboards, '91. Someone should upload the whole video....

Tony Henry R.I.P.

R.I.P. Tony Henry. Amazing San Jose legend. The first skater ever to do backside noseblunts. R.I.P.

Ozzy Alvarez: Deadbolt Ad

Never heard too many good things about Deadbolt Trucks. But they did release an awesome video in 1991 titled "Parental Advisory". Ozzy Alvarez

Jeff Pang: Thunder Trucks Ad

This is seriously one of the best Jeff Pang ad's ever. The style, the trick, the spot, the shot, everything is fantastic.

Fred Olande: New Deal Geopgrahic

New Deal had a special talent of making things look very attractive. Sucks they went under. Fred Olande.

"Andtasia" Video: Fall '93. Yeah, sure.

Would have loved to see this. Charlie Thomas himself confirmed that they were filming for the video but they decided to can the whole company and start Maple Skateboards. Kind of a shame. Would've been nice to see rare Charlie Thomas, Thom Hornung, Paul Smith footage. Maybe Shannon May would've been in this?

Eric Conner - 360 Flip Tail Grab

Here's a rare one. Eric Conner, who was pro for Toxic Skateboards back in the day, preforming a nicely done 360 flip tail grab at Jerabeck Elementary/School W.

Mike Kepper sliding up...

Mike Kepper. Sliding up when most slide down.

Kelly Bird New School Ad

Shocked to find out Kelly Bird rode for New School Skateboards in 1992 and actually turned pro for them as well.